Welcome to Jeranek Family Chiropractic

Are you experiencing neck pain, lower back pain, sciatica, tingling, numbness or any other musculoskeletal pain? At Jeranek Family Chiropractic, we know that your pain can affect your health and entire life to the point that you are not functioning at your optimum. Dr. Janet Jeranek at Jeranek Family Chiropractic, serving Kenosha and the surrounding areas, understands that the struggles and discomfort that you may be experiencing are real. Dr. Janet Jeranek and her care team offer you more than 30 years of expertise in correcting the cause of your spinal or extremity-related pain. Dr. Janet Jeranek performs comprehensive Chiropractic, Neurological, and Orthopedic examinations and creates the ideal corrective treatments for you to eliminate the cause of your pain and dysfunction!

Team Photo


We offer a Free Consultation with a Nerve Scan. Using EKG technology, the ScanVision provides a quick measure of muscle tension about the spine, showing muscular compensation patterns for various spinal disorders, which signals pinched nerves.

Spine image

Our Examination Process

Dr. Janet Jeranek creates your corrective treatment plan after performing a comprehensive examination that includes reviewing your medical history, environment, and lifestyle. The comprehensive examinations allow us to gain valuable information about your health and conditions. This gives us the ability to accurately treat your conditions in the most precise way possible. 

Examination process at Jeranek Chiro

Why Choose us for your Chiropractic Care?

You've searched for a chiropractor in Kenosha, and are interested in what Dr. Janet Jeranek, our Kenosha chiropractor has to offer you? First and foremost, chiropractic care consists of a range of treatments. We regularly perform chiropractic adjustments, which realigns the spinal vertebrae to allow the nervous system to function properly correcting the cause of your pain!  We also help to rehabilitate disc and musculoskeletal problems by utilizing spinal traction, neuromuscular re-education, exercises, water therapy, electrical muscle stimulation, low level laser and spinal decompression – a treatment consisting of a motorized device that gently stretches the spine–in order to reduce the amount of pressure on the discs and nerves.

Chiropractor examining a patient with neck pain

We deliver rehabilitative care, which includes various forms of therapy and exercise, to aid in your spinal correction, which improve your range of motion and function. We utilize water therapy, to soothe muscle soreness, stiffness and achiness. Dr. Janet Jeranek's corrective chiropractic care is specific correction for your spinal and extremity conditions. At Jeranek Family Chiropractic, we treat conditions including the following: Lower back pain, Neck pain, Mid back pain, Shoulder pain, Knee pain, Degenerative Joint and Disc Disease, Arthritis, Scoliosis, Poor Posture, Sciatica, Hands or feet numbness or tingling, Headaches including Migraines, Disc problems, Whiplash, Sports and Automobile Injuries.  Doctor Janet Jeranek is a Kenosha chiropractic specialist who has successfully helped thousands of patients over the past more than 30 years, who suffered needlessly from musculoskeletal, disc problems and nervous system issues.

Chiropractic Care is non-invasive and we use spinal adjustments and corrective therapies to treat and fix the cause of your pain and dysfunction. Our treatments don't require any downtime, so after you leave our office, you're able to go back to work. You'll find that our treatments will cause you little to no discomfort during the process.  Dr. Janet Jeranek has a proven track record of providing very successful treatments that get maximum results by having her patients actively participate in their getting well. We also utilize rehabilitative therapies which include exercise, traction, neuromuscular re-education, whirlpool therapy, electrical stimulation to increase and maximize your progress and we monitor during your entire treatment. We do not prescribe medications that cover up the problem; instead, we use successful non surgical, rehabilitative treatments that target and correct the cause of your pain.

Why Choose Us in Kenosha?

Patient getting arms and hips chiropractic treatment

You've searched Kenosha and found one of Kenosha's best chiropractors who is a strong, caring, compassionate, comprehensive doctor who listens to your problems and sets up a precise treatment plan to correct the cause of your problems.  Doctor Janet Jeranek also works side by side with her highly trained, compassionate and caring staff. We're extremely knowledgeable and successful in correcting the cause of your pain or dysfunction and we offer treatments that take a full-body approach to healing, so you end up functioning and feeling better than you did before your treatment with us. We use treatments that will help you regain your ability to move and function normally again.  Doctor Janet Jeranek has more than 30 years of precision experience and is an expert in helping her patients avoid surgeries, by correcting the cause of their spinal ailments, which allows her patient's to function optimally again. Dr. Janet Jeranek also helps her patients with balance and gait issues.



Call us at (262) 694-7833 today!

  • Lower Back Pain
  • Auto Accidents
  • Work-Related Injuries
  • Sports Injuries
  • Headaches (All Types Including Tension And Migraines)
  • Sciatica
  • Neck Pain
  • Shoulder and arm Pain
  • Sharp Rib Pains
  • Leg/Knee Pain
  • Disc Problems
  • Hand and Feet Tingling/Numbness
  • Arthritis Pain
  • Ear Infections
  • Scoliosis
  • Dizziness
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Difficulty Walking/Balance Issues
  • Chronic Joint Pain
  • Lack Of Range Of Motion

Staff at Jeranek Family Chiropractic

Call our office today and make an appointment to visit our highly skilled and experienced doctor to restore your quality of life.

Experience better health through chiropractic!

Call (262) 694-7833, Today!

Dr. Janet Jeranek B.S., D.C.

  • Life College Graduate
  • More than 30 years  of Experience
  • Posture, Spinal & Nerve Interference Correction
  • Rehabilitative Chiropractor

Call Our Kenosha WI Chiropractor Today!

Schedule an appointment with our Kenosha WI chiropractor at Jeranek Family Chiropractic to find relief from lower back pain, herniated disc recovery, neck pain and more. You can reach us at (262) 694-7833.

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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am - 11:00 am

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 11:00 am

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 11:00 am

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm





9:00 am - 11:00 am 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 11:00 am 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 11:00 am 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm