Whiplash Treatment in Kenosha

Whiplash Injuries May Be More Serious Than You Realize

Whiplash, which is also known as a neck sprain or a neck strain, is an injury to the muscular tissues and soft tissues in the region of your neck. This type of injury is caused when your head is forcefully and quickly thrust backward, then forward. Whiplash often occurs when someone is involved in a rear-end collision. The quick forward and backward motion that occurs upon impact may cause injury to the bones in the spine as well as the disks between the muscles, ligaments, tissue, nerves, and bones in the neck. It is also the most common injury that is sustained from an automobile accident but can occur from any type of sudden, forceful impact. It is important to seek Whiplash Treatment in Kenosha promptly, as the injury can potentially progress into a more serious and debilitating condition.

Man with whiplash needs chiropractic care in Kenosha.

Accidents That May Cause Whiplash

The most common reason people visit Jeranek Family Chiropractic for symptoms of whiplash is resulting from them being in an automobile accident. Even if you are in a rear-end collision while driving at a speed as low as 15mph, the sudden jolt from the impact can cause whiplash and it can happen whether you are or aren’t wearing your seatbelt. Although auto accidents are the primary cause of whiplash, other causes may include:

  • Being punched or shaken
  • Sporting activities
  • Roller coasters
  • Falls

Symptoms of Whiplash-When to See a Chiropractor in Kenosha

You should see a chiropractor in Kenosha as soon as possible if you were in an accident and are experiencing any of the following symptoms of whiplash:

  • Stiffness and pain in the neck-this is the most common symptom of whiplash. The pain can often extend from your neck and back to the shoulders and arms, which may cause numbness in the arms.
  • Headaches, which are the result of the sudden force and jolt to your head and neck, can vary from a minor to a constant, severe headache that lasts for as long as several days.
  • Blurry vision is also a common symptom of whiplash; however, it generally clears up quickly.
  • Dizziness, which may last for only a few minutes to a few hours, is also a common side effect of whiplash.
  • You may also experience difficulty swallowing and nausea or vomiting.

If you were injured in an accident that may have caused whiplash, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible, including scheduling an appointment for a consultation with a chiropractor in Kenosha. Although your pain and the symptoms of whiplash may not be noticeable immediately after the accident, it could worsen within a few days and the sooner you seek treatment for your injuries, the sooner you will be on your way to recovery.

Contact Our Trusted Chiropractor in Kenosha Today!

If you suspect you may have whiplash as a result of an accident, contact Dr. Jeranek for Whiplash Treatment in Kenosha, WI today at, Kenosha, WI today at (262) 694-7833  to schedule your consultation.


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