Sports Chiropractic Care in Kenosha

Sports Chiropractic in Kenosha

Are you looking for sports chiropractic care in Kenosha? If so, Jeranek Family Chiropractic and Dr. Janet Jeranek, a Kenosha Chiropractor are here to help you! At Jeranek Family Chiropractic, we always place the needs of our patients first, and this includes our sports chiropractic services. We have worked hard to expand the services offered to encompass a wide variety of injuries. Learn more about Kenosha sports chiropractic below, and rely on our highly trained and experienced professionals to help you.

Male athlete needing sports chiropractic care.

How Chiropractic Care Helps Sports Injuries

Chiropractic care uses manual therapy to place athletes in the best position possible to recover from injuries while also preventing future ones from developing. Dr. Janet Jeranek offers Kenosha sports chiropractic by performing adjustments to adjust the vertebrae, and extremity joints throughout the body, which heals the nerves, tendons and ligaments. Sports medicine chiropractic may also include sports physical therapy, which can strengthen vulnerable areas of the body to prevent future injuries.

The Benefits of Visiting our Kenosha Sports Chiropractor

There are many benefits that you or your kids will enjoy by coming to see Dr. Janet Jeranek for sports chiropractic injuries. Some benefits and goals include:

  • We develop a personal customized treatment plan to help your athlete's heal properly.
  • Manual Chiropractic and instrument adjustments correct the problems causing your pain. 
  • Prevent future injuries from taking place. 
  • Prevent surgeries. 
  • We get you back into your sports activities by speeding recovery.

Work with our Expert experienced Kenosha chiropractor who can help you and your loved ones! 

Chiropractic Sports Injury Treatment

Sports injury treatment can treat numerous injuries, including:

Picture of sport injuries

Tennis Elbow Chiropractor

Our sports chiropractor treats tennis elbow, which is inflammation and rotation of the lateral epicondyles of this joint. 

Golf Injury Chiropractic

Our sports chiropractor treats golf injuries, including golfer’s elbow, which is inflammation and rotation of the medial epicondyles of this joint. Our golf chiropractor can also treat neck pain and wrist pain resulting from a golf swing. 

Basketball Injury Chiropractic

Our chiropractor treats basketball injuries, including ankle sprains and foot injuries. A basketball chiropractor can also treat lower neck pain after playing basketball. 

Chiropractic for Baseball-Related Injuries

Common baseball injuries our chiropractor treats include shoulder pain and elbow pain, which usually stems from playing hard.

Chiropractic for Hockey-Related Injuries

Our chiropractor also treats hockey-related injuries including low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, hip pain, numbness or tingling in the hands or feet. 

Chiropractic for Running Sports-Related Injuries

Our sports Chiropractor treats a wide variety of running or track injuries including low back pain, mid back pain, neck pain, knee pain, foot pain, and hip pain. 

Chiropractic for Yoga Injuries

our sports Chiropractor also treats people treat injuries stemming from yoga. 

Chiropractic for Rock Climbing Injuries

Our Kenosha chiropractor treats rock climbing injuries, including wrist injuries, back injuries, and hip injuries. 

Improve Sports Performance with Chiropractic

It is also impossible to improve sports performance with sports performance chiropractic care. Examples include: 

Women sitting on the running field because of foot injury

Sports Chiropractic Adjustment

Our sports chiropractor can provide an adjustment that can help the vertebrae, nerves, ligaments, tendons, and joints function and feel better.

Corrective Exercises for Sport

Our sports chiropractor can also recommend corrective exercises that may be able to strengthen vulnerable areas of the body. 

Athletic Lifestyle Advice

Our sports chiropractor also provides lifestyle advice for athletes, helping to reduce stress and expedite the recovery process. 

Nutritional Advice for Athletes

Our sports chiropractor can also share nutritional advice for athletes, helping athletes build lean muscle, minimize fat, and improve energy during the day. 

Sports Physiotherapy

Sports performance chiropractic care also includes physiotherapy,  including Therapeutic exercises, hydrotherapy, whole body vibration, spinal traction, low level laser, and electrical muscle stimulation, which can help athletes recover faster following a strenuous workout while minimizing the chances of an injury. 

Contact Jeranek Family Chiropractic for Sport Chiropractic in Kenosha

If you are looking for an expert sports chiropractic care in Kenosha to enhance your sports performance, then look no further than Dr. Janet Jeranek at Jeranek Family Chiropractic. We have been serving the Kenosha area for more than 30 years, and we provide free new patient consultations and nerve scans for sports chiropractic injuries. We also accept the vast majority of insurance plans and make our care as affordable as possible for you. Call us today to make an appointmentwith our team for top-notch sports chiropractic care in Kenosha!


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Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am - 11:00 am

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 11:00 am

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 11:00 am

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm





9:00 am - 11:00 am 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 11:00 am 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 11:00 am 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm